Facing Triggers & Healing Trauma Workshop

Facing Triggers & Healing Trauma Workshop

Sale Price:$22.00 Original Price:$33.00

The more you clear on the inside, the clearer the outside becomes.

Most of my private coaching clients come to me seeking clarity.

And most of the time they are already carrying the answer inside of themselves.

They just need some help clearing and sorting through the muck to find it.

I had a vision come to me earlier this week in meditation…

I woke up deep in the woods, crouched down on the ground surrounded by insanely thick brush on every side of me.

I looked to my left and could only see a thick layer of sticks, leaves, branches, and vines.

I looked to my right and saw the same thing.

I looked up, and still, I could only see thick brush. 

It surrounded me. It completely consumed me. 

It seemed like there was no way out of this tiny cage.

I was stuck.

But then, I realized I could move the branches and vines one at a time.

Slowly, I started clearing a path.

The more I cleared, the more I could see.

The branches and the vines? Those are your fears, subconscious beliefs, and childhood traumas. 

The longer you refuse to look at them, the more stuck you feel inside of that tiny cage.

The moment you start clearing those branches is the moment you allow more clarity into your life.

So, how do you begin to clear space?

You start looking at the small everyday things that are triggering you.

You begin releasing the trauma that's been stored inside of you for years.

But, how?

That is what I teach you how to do in the workshop.

If you feel called to do the inner work, I invite you to join in.

In this workshop, we cover:

  • what triggers are and what they can teach us

  • how triggers, trauma, and inner child all tie together

  • different ways to face triggers and heal trauma on your own

  • how to release a stored trauma — even if you can't recall the exact memory

  • an example of a trigger from my own life

  • the exact 3-step process I use to get to the root of my triggers and pull up trauma

  • guided meditation to take you through my favorite 5 minute trigger releasing exercise

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